Learn how to use “wet pastels” to make more dynamic pastel paintings and take your soft pastels to new heights as you explore new techniques, refine those you use and learn how to connect your art to help conservation.
Indiana artist Avon Waters will be leading a 2-day Fri/Sat workshop in painting nature in wet pastel. Learn the techniques of this luminous art form while appreciating and learning more about nature’s importance and connectivity to all life.
This workshop –for beginners to experience pastelists –explores various wet mediums. While many artists already know and use water or alcohol as a medium, this workshop introduces beginners to both, but then expands on these basics for intermediate and advanced students.
Learn how different wet mediums act differently with dry pastel. Avon will introduce wet pastel techniques in simple fast exercises, and then demo at least one advanced medium technique over the two days. This workshop will also explore the artistic process of CDR –Construction, Destruction, and Reconstruction.
“Dusk on the Flatrock River”
Bring your own soft pastels and see the additional SUPPLY LIST.
NOTE to NEW PASTEL ARTISTS—If you do not yet have pastels but want to explore them, You can buy inexpensive soft pastels from various craft stores, Amazon, Target, or Michael’s. Get the largest set you can afford – most should sell sets of 48-72 soft pastels for $30-40. Buy soft pastel, not oil pastel. These pastels will do all you want until you discover if you like using the medium.
“Red Maple Blaze”
Note: The facility has table-top easels to borrow, but if artists prefer to stand or use their own easels, they are encouraged to bring them.
Avon Waters is a Pastel Society of America juried member, the lead artist and contact for the Indiana Waterways Art Project, and is the CEO of the non-profit, Art Nature Consortium — https://www.artnatureconsortium.org
Direct Link to register for the Avon Waters workshop
Artists for Climate Awareness is pleased to offer this workshop as part of its series to help artists learn how to use art as a way to bring social awareness to conservation efforts in your communities.
As such, a portion of the workshop fee will go toward a Contributors membership in Artists for Climate Awareness.
Each participant will be automatically considered a member of Artists for Climate Awareness at the Contributor’s level (equivalent to $35) for one year, unless declined. Contributors get workshop and event discounts, news, and enhanced insider participation.
In addition, $10 of each workshop fee will go to Sycamore Land Trust, a nonprofit conservation organization serving southern Indiana from Morgan County south to the Ohio River. “Sycamore protects land by owning and caring for nature preserves, and by holding conservation easements that protect privately owned properties. We acquire land through donations, and purchases. Stewardship of our nature preserves includes restoration projects to improve natural habitat, and building and maintaining trails for free public use. Sycamore now protects 126 properties, totaling 10,551 acres in southern Indiana.”