Art for Earth

Artists Funding Environmental Action

This separate organization can benefit Artists for Climate Awareness and other environmental efforts through sales of art

Art for Earth is a collective of artists and friends who create or collect art to help the Earth. Art for Earth sells art to help to fund registered environmental non-profits. $50 – 100% of the sale price of all art sold with the involvement of Art for Earth  goes to the registered environmental nonprofit chosen by the art donor. (This may be Artists for Climate Awareness but could also be other environmental nonprofits.)

Buy Art

View some artworks below and use the contact information to inquire further.

Get Involved

How to be involved with Art for Earth:

  • Get on the mailing list by contacting
  • Contribute art to raise funds for non-profit environmental groups. Contact for more information.
  • Volunteer, whether you are an artist or not. Time, skills, and ideas are all welcome; some examples are helping with social media, identifying locations to hang art, taking photographs, helping with selling, and myriad other ways. Even a small amount of effort can be a big help.

How you can buy Art for Earth artwork:

Email to be notified of Art for Earth shows and displays which include less expensive prints.

Help the environment and take home wonderful original art the same time.

Below are some images of art for sale. Underneath each image is information about the piece: where you can see it, where the purchase income will go, and contact information to find out more. Click on an image to see it enlarged, and continue to cycle through the images if you desire.

Thanks for visiting us!  Questions?  Contact us at

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