Distant Thunder banner with abstract art

Art Show Prospectus: “Distant Thunder”

1. Title of Show:

Distant Thunder

2. Description and Theme:

Artists for Climate Awareness is calling for 2-D and 3-D artwork to be displayed in a gallery exhibition from April 3 to 29 at the Arts Alliance Center in the College Mall, Bloomington, IN. This juried exhibition is part of our Earth Month celebrations.

The theme, Distant Thunder, is named after haiku from the poet W.H. Auden. In this piece, Auden compared thoughts of his own demise to “the distant roll of thunder at a picnic.” Similarly, the oncoming effects of climate change and human-caused environmental damage will eventually affect all of us. Nonetheless, we go about our lives as usual, until the gale is upon us.

This exhibition is intended to raise awareness about urgent climate and environmental issues through artistic expression and community engagement. Artworks will be submitted digitally for judging; the deadline is March 2. Prizes will be awarded. See below to learn more.

The month-long event will host additional climate awareness events, including:

3. Entry Criteria for Work:

a. 40% Thematic Content:

      1. Inspired by nature and/or climate and environmental concerns. The style can range from aesthetically pleasing, traditional, and representational to wildly provocative and abstract. The art should be evocative, educational, and inspirational, possibly including written words. Special consideration will be given to artworks related to the theme’s title, “Distant Thunder,” and/or to Indigenous ecological wisdom, also known as Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) or Indigenous Knowledge.
      2. Communication Impact: Each piece will include a gallery label with a 30-to-200 word written statement about the work, explaining its climate and environmental context. The relationship to the theme can be symbolic or personal, or it can contain a clear external message.

Note: Editors can assist with statements before judging. Email art4climate@carolrhodes.net for help. Artworks should encourage viewers to reflect on their relationship with the environment and actions to protect it.

b. 40% Merits of Art:

    1. Skill and technique; composition; creativity and originality; use of color, form, and space; craftsmanship; and conceptual framework.

c. 20% Sustainability of Art Supplies:

    1. Is the artwork made from sustainable materials? Or is the art itself a use of reusable materials?

4. Prizes, Awards and Award Categories:

  • $500 Best of Show
  • $300 First Place
  • $100 Second Place Gift certificate from Bloomington Fine Art Supply
  • Honorable Mention gift certificates

5. Fees for Show:

There is an entry fee of $15 for each piece. Entrants must also be current members of Artists for Climate Awareness. Membership verification will be conducted. For status inquiries, email art4climate@carolrhodes.net. Non-members will be instructed on how to join. See section 8 below for How to Submit.

6. Commission:

25% commission to Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington. Sales will be conducted through the Arts Alliance Center. Art is encouraged to be for sale but not required.

7. Limitations:

  • Locations: All Artists for Climate Awareness members from all US states are invited to submit.
  • Number of Pieces: Up to three pieces may be submitted per entrant, but only one of them may be accepted.
  • Original work only — photographic work welcome, but no prints of paintings or drawings
  • Size Restrictions: For pieces larger than 4’x4’, please email art4climate@carolrhodes.net.
  • Materials:
    • If shipping a framed work, please use plastic instead of glass.
    • Accepted mediums include any 2-D and 3-D mediums.
    • No part should be toxic, allergenic, or spillable.
    • For artworks to be hung, no sawtooth hangers, please

8. How Work Will Be Viewed by Jurors:

Photographic images sent by the artist.

How to Submit Photographic Images and Verbiage:

  • Photographic images should accurately represent the work.
  • Up to six photographic images are permitted per piece. (This enables judges to get a good view of the work.)
  • Format: JPG or PNG
  • Exclude the frame from the digital image
  • How to Submit:
    1. Upload images at: https://carolrhodes.smugmug.com/upload/dt7z4Z/submit2025 (OK to ignore security warning if you get it– this is because it isn’t public yet.)
    2. Send a written description (30-200 words) describing each of the works’ climate/environmental theme(s) to art4climate@carolrhodes.net. If you need help writing, please let us know. We do not want the writing to be a barrier to entering.
      —Please state the size and medium of the final piece.
    3. Remit $15 for entry fee HERE.

9. How Accepted Work Will Be Received at the Gallery Location on April 2:

  • By personally delivering work to Arts Alliance Center on April 2, 2024.(Timeframe to be announced.)
  • By shipping (if long-distance) to Carol Rhodes, who will deliver the artwork on behalf of the artist. Include $30 or a return shipping label. (See instructions below.) Deadline for shipped work to be received – March 31.
Shipping Instructions for Accepted Art:
  • Use standardized art shipping boxes like those offered at Airfloat Systems, or work with experienced art shippers like FedEx.
  • Ship to: Artists for Climate Awareness c/o Carol Rhodes, 1317 E. Fairwood Dr., Bloomington, Indiana 47408– to be received by March 31.
  • Return shipping options: Include either a prepaid return shipping label or payment for $30. See below:
    –If return shipping label,
     you can request a prepaid return shipping label at the point of service at USPS, UPS, and FedEx locations. When you visit the service location, inform the staff that you need a prepaid return shipping label. (This can be done online also.)
    –If payment is made, send using one of the following methods:
     a) Mail a check to Artists for Climate Awareness at above address, or b) PayPalMe to https://paypal.me/art4climate or via Zelle. (For Zelle, contact art4climate@carolrhodes.net). If work is sold, check will be discarded or a refund will be made.
Shipping Instructions for Accepted Art:
  • Use standardized art shipping boxes like those offered at Airfloat Systems, or work with experienced art shippers like FedEx.
  • Ship to: Artists for Climate Awareness c/o Carol Rhodes, 1317 E. Fairwood Dr., Bloomington, Indiana 47408– to be received by March 31.
  • Return shipping options: Include either a prepaid return shipping label or payment for $30. See below:
    –If return shipping label,
     you can request a prepaid return shipping label at the point of service at USPS, UPS, and FedEx locations. When you visit the service location, inform the staff that you need a prepaid return shipping label. (This can be done online also.)
    –If payment is made, send using one of the following methods:
     a) Mail a check to Artists for Climate Awareness at above address, or b) PayPalMe to https://paypal.me/art4climate or via Zelle. (For Zelle, contact art4climate@carolrhodes.net). If work is sold, check will be discarded or a refund will be made.

10. Calendar:

  • Deadline for Electronic Submission: March 2
  • Judging: March 3-15
  • Decision/Notification to Artists: March 15-18
  • Out-of-Area Works Received: by April 1
  • Hanging/Take-in at Arts Alliance Center:  April 2, time TBD
  • Artwork Installation: By close of business April 2
  • Reception: Saturday, April 5 at 6 pm with ensemble performance at 7 PM
  • Pickup by Artists: April 30
  • Shipping Back to Artists (if needed): May 1-5

11. Insurance Coverage:

Insure your artwork for shipping damage. Artists for Climate Awareness and Arts Alliance Center are insured for liability damage.

12. Photography Release:

By entering the show, you agree to give the sponsors permission to photograph the work or use the artist’s photo in a catalog or for marketing the exhibition.

13. Contact for Questions or Concerns:

Carol Rhodes, at art4climate@carolrhodes.net


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