Greetings, Artists for Climate Awareness supporters and members!
As we welcome the spring warmth and the reawakening of greenery and wildlife, we are excited to share some updates and highlights of the many activities of Artists for Climate Awareness and our commitment to preservation of the environment. Thanks to your support and interest, we have accomplished a lot this year and are looking forward to more!
Following are some of the things we have been up to during the past three months. We hope you will or have been able to engage in some of these events. If you are a first-time enrollee, you are awarded an annual membership. Plus, your ongoing annual membership grants you a discount on a future workshop during your year of membership.
We would love to hear from you! Send all your comments to Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, too!
Painting Deserts in Watercolor workshop
In “Painting Deserts in Watercolor,” on February 25 at Ivy Tech in Bloomington, Indiana, Artists for Climate Awareness people painted together while learning about desert conservation and talking about how to be an advocate for better climate change communication.
Nancy Metz provided the art instruction and Carol Rhodes delivered some climate education pieces and led a discussion on “talking climate.” Marilyn Bauchat from the Hoosier Chapter of Sierra Club spoke about what Sierra Club is doing for the environment. See pictures at
“Elements” Gallery Show at the Waldron Arts Center in Bloomington
Ten members of Artists for Climate Awareness displayed their artwork in the Education Gallery at the John Waldron Arts Center, 122 S. Walnut St., Bloomington, IN. The show began March 3 and ended on April 11, 2023. Our show was in conjunction with two related and concurrent exhibitions at The Waldron by climate groups and individuals whose shows were named “Climate Shock” and “Stone Soup: From Nature to Politics.”
Painting Nature in Wet Pastel workshop
On March 24 and 25 in Bloomington, Indiana, Artists for Climate Awareness participants learned how to use soft pastels with various mediums to create works in “wet pastel.” With Avon Waters instructing, the group experimented with new techniques while sharing stories and learning about caring for the environment. Ann Connors from Sycamore Land Trust talked with the group about how Sycamore Land trust is conserving and rehabilitating land in Southern Indiana.
In his blog, Avon Waters wrote, ““Bloomington has a large watercolor society and to my surprise a lot of the students in this class were watercolorists — they took to these techniques like a duck to water.” See his blog piece at
Upcoming workshops
The workshop, “From Watching Birds to Sketching and Painting Them,” is scheduled online and in-person for April 27 from 5:30 to 8 pm at Ivy Tech in Bloomington, IN with Alex Warnick, renowned bird illustrator. Artists for Climate Awareness received a $500 grant from the Sassafras Audubon Society to host this event.
For more information and to enroll, see
“Flickering Lights over Nature: Part I: Ceramics” with Chicago artist Anne Farley Gaines (in person only), will take place all day in the Ivy Tech pottery studio on June 10 and 11. In this 2-day workshop in clay, participants will have the opportunity to create artwork that encourages dialogue about the significance of nature, environment, and climate.
“Flickering Lights over Nature” Part II: Multimedia” with Chicago artist Anne Farley Gaines (in person only), will take place all day on June 17 and 18 at Ivy Tech in Bloomington, IN. In this workshop participants may create complex, textural artwork to encourage dialogue about the significance of nature, environment, and climate. For more information and to register, see
Upcoming Gallery Show, “Conserve Bloomington” May 7-June 11, 2023
— coordinated by Artists for Climate Awareness and hosted by Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington, displayed at Arts Alliance Center in College Mall, Bloomington
This gallery exhibition is open to all artistic mediums that depict aspects of nature, environment, and climate change. Carol Rhodes with Artists for Climate Awareness is organizing the display of art, while IU Jacobs School of Music students working on the Conserve Bloomington project debut their musical composition comprised of nature sounds recorded in and around Bloomington, IN. The music has been developed in conjunction with an innovation grant. In addition, a watercolor workshop by nature watercolorist Rena Brouwer will take place on My 13, and a reception for all events and activities will be on Friday, May 12 at the Arts Alliance Center in College mall.
Artwork from all members of Artists for Climate Awareness and Bloomington area artists is welcome. There is no entry fee; 25% commission on sales. All work must be for sale. For submission information and more details, email to
ACA Web galleries – open to all members!
Our members may have a page of their art featured on our website. As a member, we will be happy to link your page or create a page for you! See to get your artwork online with us, email
We have more events in the works!
Look for three new fall workshops: a watercolor workshop on butterflies and pollinators; a watercolor workshop on painting things we love in nature; and a journaling workshop–including a hike in the woods. After the winter holidays, we’re planning a poetry workshop!
Membership dues
We have been in business for a year now! Those who joined with an annual membership in March and April will be contacted.
The strength of our organization lies in the collective efforts and contributions of our members and supporters, and we are very grateful for your ongoing commitment to Artists for Climate Awareness. Your support allows us to continue making a positive impact in our world.
Many thanks to Ivy Tech Center for Lifelong Learning for partnering with us and helping to make our workshops affordable and top-notch.
Thank you for all YOU do for our world!
Carol Carter and Carol Rhodes
and all the Board and members of Artists for Climate Awareness