Newsletter October 2024

Hope you are enjoying the early fall! Artists for Climate Awareness is excited to invite you to our upcoming general meeting on Monday, October 7 at 7 pm Eastern Time (US) via Zoom.

Zoom Meeting Details:

All are invited! We would love to meet you or see you again. Join us to get inspired, connect with artists who are working toward a better world, and stay updated on the latest.

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Featured Artist at This Month’s Meeting:
Anne Maddox, Fine Artist, Writer & Social Advocate

Anne Maddox painting by Anne Maddox of a bird in wildflowers

Anne Maddox is an accomplished artist and speaker living in Marion, Indiana who uses her paintings to demonstrate the interconnectedness of nature and the importance of protecting and creating natural habitats. She will show and talk about her art and how she is using it for social and environmental purposes. and 

Going on now— Bloomingfoods Positive Change

This year, Artists for Climate Awareness has been added to the list of 47 Bloomington nonprofits that could benefit from the Positive Change Program. However, only 11 will be selected as program beneficiaries, and we need YOUR VOTE to make it happen! If you are a Bloomingfoods Coop member, you can vote! Voting opens on Wednesday, September 25th, and closes on Friday, October 25th at midnight. You can vote at any store location or online at Bloomingfoods 2024 Election. Learn more and vote online here between September 25 and October 25: or skip the introductions and go straight to the form:

 Art For Earth: Donate or Buy Art to Help Environmental Groups

Art for Earth is a project initiated by ACA member Christine Missik to form a collective of artists who sell art to benefit registered environmental non-profit organizations. The group will have a sidewalk sale at Morgenstern’s Book Store in Bloomington on November 2.  Artists for Climate Awareness is supporting this effort with a web page of art for sale by environmentally conscious artists. Want to learn more or help? See: (Christine’s favorite organization is the Environmental Voter Project; see below.)

Upcoming Events:

Here’s a List of Upcoming Events with Artists for Climate Awareness


Join us at Paint Bloomington!

The Third Annual Paint Bloomington paint out will take place on Saturday, October 5, 2024, at Woodlawn Pavilion in Bryan Park. This free event invites artists of all ages and skill levels to participate without advance registration. The day will feature art classes, demonstrations, and awards in various categories, celebrating creativity and community engagement, rain or shine. Artists for Climate Awareness will be in the Pavilion, offering:

  • Watercolor for very beginners – teens through adults
  • Making Halloween masks out of cardboard and items from home
  • Making magic wands — children
  • Painting with natural pigments – teens through adults

In addition to the visual arts, the event will feature music, storytelling, and poetry readings, making it a day filled with diverse cultural activities. Friends, family members, and observers are encouraged to attend and enjoy the festivities. Picnic areas will be available for those who wish to bring their own food and enjoy a day in the park. Find details at 

Central Coast Good Fire Fair – California

Event promo for Central Coast Good Fire Fair in California

In California with member artist Patricia Larenas October 5 @ 10:00 am3:00 pm, California artist and Artists for Climate Awareness liaison Patricia Larenas will be demonstrating making charcoal paint from burned redwood trees. Participants will learn who burns, and how, where, and why. Meet local organizations, test your fire knowledge, and win prizes. The event will also feature a demonstration of prescribed burn, activities for kids, and more.


The Future of Color: Botanical Painting and Earth Pigments

a paint palette with colorful paint dabs and a photo of cave art

Join Maria Schechter in exploring natural materials to create color palettes from fruits, flowers, and earth pigments. Prepare a couple of pigments from a recipe, and then paint with them. The painting and some supplies will be yours to keep. November 2 @ 10:00 am2:00 pm, Ivy Tech Bloomington, Indiana — Room D201 $60 nonmembers, $35 members. Learn more and register at:  

Recent events:

Nature Journaling with Bailey Russell

On Saturday, September 14, ACA members convened at Karst Farm Park Shelter #6 in Bloomington, IN for a 4-hour Nature Journaling workshop led by Bailey Russell, a recent intern with the Brown County Soil and Water Conservation District. A barred owl joined us from an overhead tree for the entire four hours!


Maxwell Garden Workshop, Chicago, IL

Participants at Maxwell Garden workshop  

These two workshops on Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8, 2024 took place in a Halstead Street studio near the MAXWELL STREET COMMUNITY GARDEN in Chicago, IL. Instructors were ACA members Carol Carter and Anne Farley Gaines.


4th Street Festival of the Arts and Crafts

ACA booth at 4th Street Festival. person working climate puzzle   

We hosted a booth in the community section of the annual Labor Day Weekend 4th Street Festival of the Arts. Our booth featured the theme, “Help Solve the Climate Puzzle!” with a communal jigsaw puzzle and a climate word search handout.


Support our Eco-partners

The Uplands Network of the Hoosier Chapter of Sierra Club has been campaigning to save mature growth forests in Indiana and across the US. Marilyn Bauchat, chapter president, spoke for us at the Nature Journaling workshop on September 14, the same day that the film, “Crown Jewels” was shown by that organization at the Monroe County Public Library in downtown Bloomington.
The film is for all who care about old growth forests everywhere:

Upcoming Sierra Club events are:


In the News:

Finally! California Sues Exxon for Lying about the Recyclability of Plastics

California has filed a first-of-its-kind lawsuit against ExxonMobil, alleging that the company has spent decades misleading the public about the efficacy of plastic recycling. The lawsuit alleges that ExxonMobil has known for decades that recycling plastics was technically and economically challenging and would do little to stem the enormous volume of plastic waste that ends up in the environment. Despite that knowledge, the lawsuit says, the company promoted recycling as a viable option.


Road Kill and Climate Solutions: Wildlife Crossings

As Climate Changes Fuels Animal Movement, Will These Structures Still Help Species Cross the Road?


More Climate Art: Colossal Art Zine— 
Art and Science Set Sail in Schmidt Ocean Institute’s Artist-at-Sea Program is an online art magazine that celebrates contemporary art, visual culture, and social issues through art. It features artist profiles, exhibition coverage, and creative projects from around the world. Learn about its Artist-at-Sea program at  and take a deep dive into each expedition on the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s website. And, while you’re at it, see Colossal’s climate art archives at: 

Hope to see you at the meeting! Meanwhile, keep making art and working toward a better world.

Warm regards,

Carol Rhodes, Program Coordinator, and Joe Lee, President
Artists for Climate Awareness