Talking Trees
by Julie Roberts, Canopy Bloomington
Here’s a list of the most distinctively shaped and/or easy to identify native Indiana trees, in no particular order:
- Sycamore
- Beech
- Tulip
- Sassafras
- Dogwood
- Redbud
- Shagbark Hickory
- Eastern Red Cedar (we used to call it juniper)
- Catalpa
- The Oak Family
Indiana Tree Resources
- An oldie but goodie. Still can’t beat the clarity of the drawings but they are only of leaves and other details, not the shapes of whole trees. The Monroe County History Museum might sell reprints of the booklet:
___________________________ - Here’s a printable handout from the Indiana State Parks. Again, leaf ID only though:
____________________________ - And for a really deep dive, nothing beats the folks at Purdue: