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‘Painting’ with Torn Paper, with Ann Woods

May 3 @ 11:00 am - 1:30 pm

flowers made from torn paper and ribbons, pasted onto a 2-D substrate

In this workshop, we will manipulate paper to create glorious flowers. We will use techniques such as tearing, folding, cutting, quilling, and our imagination. A variety of paper, from handmade to wallpaper, newsprint and beyond, will make it a happening experience!

This is a fabulous way to make sustainable art from things you already have.

There is no skill level required. You will only need your finely tuned hands and a pair of scissors! Paper provided; scissors available, but you might want to bring your own.

About the Instructor:

great horned owl 2-D art made from pieces of torn paper Ann Woods says:
“After a twenty-seven-year career as an art teacher, I have become a visual artist. I create bas-relief images from paper. By tearing, folding, rolling, painting, quilling, and manipulating paper I can make interesting 3-D images. Most of the images are birds, flowers, insects, and abstracts. I love the flexibility of this medium and the way it allows me to work in color and form. I employ all types of paper, from my handmade paper to some I found in a small market in Thailand, to old watercolors that my husband was preparing to throw away. I also use Coloraid paper because of the variety and richness of the hues available. Sharing my creations give me joy — and I hope it will do the same for you, too.”

In all its events, Artists for Climate Awareness provides thematic environmental education, offering practical ways to get involved locally. As part of this commitment, a representative from The Center for Sustainable Living will be giving a short presentation on how their organization contributes to community-driven environmental initiatives.

Fee: $50 nonmembers; $30 for current Artists Climate Awareness members
(Not a member? The nonmember workshop fee includes a new annual membership. Already a member? Contact info@artists4earth.org to register.)

Artists for Climate Awareness logoArtists for Climate Awareness is pleased to offer this workshop as part of its series to help artists learn how to use art as a way to bring social awareness to conservation efforts in your communities.

As such, a portion of the workshop fee will go toward a Contributors membership in Artists for Climate Awareness.

 Each participant will be automatically considered a member of Artists for Climate Awareness at the Contributor’s level (equivalent to $35) for one year. Contributors get workshop and event discounts, news, a complimentary "Mother Earth" tee shirt, an opportunity to publish their artwork on our website, and enhanced insider participation.

With thanks and appreciation to:

For nonmembers, sign up and register here:

Already a member? Contact info@artists4earth.org to register.


May 3
11:00 am - 1:30 pm


Ivy Tech Community College, Bloomington, IN
200 Daniels Way
Bloomington, IN 47404 United States
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