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Celebrating Pollinators in Watercolor

May 11, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Paintings of bird and moth

Join us on May 11, 2024, for a unique art workshop where we’ll explore the enchanting world of pollinators through the mesmerizing medium of watercolor. This special event aligns with World Migratory Bird Day, spotlighting the vital role of birds and insects as pollinators.

On this auspicious day for biodiversity, our artistic journey will revolve around the intricate beauty of pollinators. From butterflies to bees, dragonflies to hummingbirds, we invite participants to capture the essence of these vital creatures through the graceful strokes of watercolor.

Medium: Watercolor – a medium known for its fluidity and vibrancy, perfectly suited to bring to life the delicate and diverse world of pollinators.

Instructor: MarySue Schwab studied art at the Art Academy of Cincinnati and has continued her education in San Francisco and at the New York Art Students’ League. MarySue has worked as a graphic designer and transitioned into a career as an art instructor. Her paintings have hung in many galleries and museums across the country. She is a signature member of the Indiana Watercolor Society and the Bloomington Watercolor Society, and a member of the Ohio Watercolor Society and Indiana Plein Air Association as well as a founding member of the Upland Plein Air Society. For more info, see: http://marysueschwab.com/

Format: In-person only

Workshop Highlights:

  • World Migratory Bird DayAligning with this global celebration, our workshop will shine a spotlight on the migratory aspects of pollinators, emphasizing their crucial role in maintaining ecosystems. 
  • Insect Significance: We are all familiar with the importance of bees as pollinators. We will provide additional information about the fascinating world of beetles, butterflies, and other buzzing companions as you create your watercolor masterpieces. 
  • Education: Autumn Brunelle, full-time naturalist for Monroe County Parks and Recreation, will provide education about pollinators as well as information about the Indiana Master Naturalist Program and the Monroe County Parks and Recreation’s environmental programs. Learn more about Autumn and the programs here.
    Autumn Brunelle        Indiana master Naturalist logo        Monroe County Parks and Recreation logo

Participants are encouraged to bring their own photo references of pollinators that inspire them. Whether it’s a snapshot from your garden or an image from a nature magazine, these references will help personalize your artistic journey 

Let your creativity bloom as we come together to celebrate the beauty of pollinators and raise awareness for their indispensable role in our environment. Embrace the power of art to inspire change!

Fee: $95 for non-members, $60 for Artists for Climate Awareness Contributing/Regular members. See Join – Artists for Climate Awareness to become a member, and to register for the discount, please  email art4climate@carolrhodes.net

Artists for Climate Awareness logoArtists for Climate Awareness is pleased to offer this workshop as part of its series to help artists learn how to use art as a way to bring social awareness to conservation efforts in your communities.

As such, a portion of the workshop fee will go toward a Contributors membership in Artists for Climate Awareness.

 Each participant will be automatically considered a member of Artists for Climate Awareness at the Contributor’s level (equivalent to $35) for one year. Contributors get workshop and event discounts, news, a complimentary "Mother Earth" tee shirt, an opportunity to publish their artwork on our website, and enhanced insider participation.


May 11, 2024
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Ivy Tech Community College, Bloomington, IN
200 Daniels Way
Bloomington, IN 47404 United States
View Venue Website