Duties of the Board

of Artists for Climate Awareness


1. Chair of the Board

The Chair of the Board presides over all regular meetings; may attend all committee meetings as an ex officio member, and sign checks. The Chair of the Board retains signature authority on all contracts. The signature of the Chair of the Board is considered the seal of the Organization. A single term for a Chair and Vice Chair is 2 years. No person can be elected Chair or Vice Chair for more than two consecutive full terms. However, after the interim of one term or more, any former Chair may be re-elected Chair-Elect.

2. Vice Chair of the Board

The Vice Chair of the Board presides over all meetings in the absence of the Chair of the Board. They succeed to and become Chair of the Board in the event that the office of Chair of the Board becomes vacant; however, they may decline succession, thereby opening the office to a nomination. A single term for both a Chair and Vice Chair is 2 years. No person may be elected Chair or Vice Chair for more than two consecutive full terms. However, after the interim of one term or more, any former Chair may be re-elected Chair-Elect.

3. Secretary

The Secretary or a board-approved delegate attends all meetings of the Legislative Board and records all the proceedings of the meetings. The Secretary or an Assistant Secretary may also attest all instruments signed by the Chair of the Board, the Chief Financial Officer, and Chairs of the Board. The Secretary’s term is 1 year and renewable an unlimited number of times at the discretion of the Legislative Board of Directors.

4. Treasurer

The Treasurer handles all the banking and handling of Organization’s money. Financial drafts may be signed by any Executive Committee member; however, drafts must be approved by the treasurer. The Treasurer is responsible for reporting to appropriate state and federal agencies. The Treasurer’s term is 1 year and renewable an unlimited number of times at the discretion of the Legislative Board of Directors. The treasurer delivers status reports at regular meetings and provides an end-of-year report no later than 30 days after the close of the fiscal year.


The Legislative Board of Directors consists of the Executive Committee and the At-Large Board of Directors:

1. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the Chair of the Board, the Vice Chair of the Board, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.

Duties of the Executive Committee

Duties of the Executive Committee are listed in Article IV, above. Each Executive Committee member has one vote per motion at meetings.

2. At-Large Board of Directors

The Legislative Board of Directors may elect a maximum number of twelve and a minimum number of four At-Large Board members. Board members so elected may serve a term of two to three years. During the first year of the organization’s founding, up to 12 At-Large Board members may be established. After the full establishment of the Legislative Board, At-Large Board members will be staggered with 2-or 3-year terms so that no more than six At-Large Board members would be vacated or initiated in any one year. At-Large Directors may be elected for full or partial terms at any time so long as no more than six At-Large Directors share the same term of office at any time.

Duties of the At-Large Board of Directors

1. General business

The duties of the At-Large Board of Directors is to direct the business and financial affairs of the Organization, to engage in such activities as are appropriate to carry out its purposes and objectives, and to establish policies regarding the Organization’s events and activities. Each At-Large Board Member has one vote for each motion at meetings.

2. Directors of Committees

At-Large Board members will serve on committees of their choice, and at all meetings have the privilege of the floor and a vote on all motions.