Call for Creative Upcycle Materials for an IU Workshop

Bloomington, IN Fall, 2024

Indiana University is awarding us a grant for a Fall creative sustainability workshop on campus. Chandra Craig-Rettinger has  created three project ideas for this event. The workshop is planned to have as many as 60 students in attendance.

Here Is What We Need:

bits of colorful plastic
Bits of colorful plastic

plastic lids

Plastic lids
Plastic tubs and lids

colorful bottle cap rings
Plastic rings from bottle necks

colorful plastic straws
Colorful plastic straws

colorful plastic jugsColorful plastic jugs

Our Sustainability Projects

And what we need:

Earrings from upcycled plastics.

WE NEED PLASTICS!!!  Containers (flat lids are best); straws (colorful); bottle rings—not cut (*hot water or mild heat helps pop them off easily).
Above are images of workable plastics. They should be flexible enough to cut with a x-acto knife and not too brittle, or they will crack when cutting.

Braided Bracelets from T-Shirts.

* more colorful the better.

Phone pouches OR small tote bags from Jeans.


Volunteers needed

We could use 4 volunteers: one for each project table (3) and one to greet at the information table.

If you can help with materials or would like to volunteer as a project instructor (light hand-sewing skills) that would be great.


Where to Drop Off

Day and times for the workshop have not be set yet, but we will need to start gathering materials NOW.
  • You can drop off items at the Arts Alliance Center inside College Mall, as of June 26.
  • Maria Schechter is offering a collection bin alongside her house at 3637 S Rogers Street, Bloomington 47401.

Questions? Get in touch!

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