Using the power of art for climate action.

Through workshops and events, we increase awareness, activism, & communication
about climate change.

More people are now accepting the inevitability of climate change. Unfortunately, our awareness of impending calamity can give rise to anxiety, resignation, and denial.

Studies show that artistic expression can change behavior more than words. We, as artists, know that art affects people at a visceral level. Using art, we can transform climate paralysis into positive action. In short, we can harness this powerful way of communication to save the earth.

In all our efforts, we aim to increase awareness, activism and communication about climate change.

"Distant Thunder" Art Show

April 3-28, Arts Alliance Center, College Mall, Bloomington, IN

Distant Thunder banner with abstract art


Sunday, April 6 at 3 pm, followed at 4 pm by music featuring environmentally themed and indigenous-inspired music composed and performed by Grace McKenzie and Daixuan Ai, IU Jacobs School of Music.

See our upcoming SPRING EVENTS

St Louis ACA art workshop, September 2022

Artists For Climate Awareness is making art to heal the Earth.

​​In our hosted events, we make and appreciate art that expresses our experiences of climate change. This may involve painting things we care about, depicting what we have loved and lost, or portraying our successes and our failures. All our events include concrete guidance on climate action.

Our Story

In late 2021 and early 2022, a dozen or so artists in the Midwest gathered together to discuss scientists’ projections of impending devastation of the earth, its inhabitants, and its resources. We decided to do what we know best: inspire others through art and conversation.

With that idea, we are planning art workshops, shows, and media experiences to express our collective experience of climate change. We work in partnership with value-aligned organizations and artists in the U.S.

Our offering is not just art, though; everyone who participates in our events receives a Climate Action Toolkit consisting of ways to help, expressed in actions that people feel comfortable doing.

Who We Are:

To date, our contributing membership is include contributors from 14 states as well as members overseas.  We partner with other nonprofit organizations to make a more harmonious and sustainable world.

Are you concerned about the climate and interested in the arts?