Entry Fee for Distant Thunder

artwork of lightning - AI

How to Submit

    1. Upload images at: https://www.carolrhodes.org/Distant-Thunder-2025-Artwork-Submissions/n-sphxch (OK to ignore security warning if you get it– this is because it isn’t public yet.)
    2. Send a written description (30-200 words) describing each of the works’ climate/environmental theme(s) to art4climate@carolrhodes.net. If you need help writing, please let us know. We do not want the writing to be a barrier to entering. 
      —Please state the size and medium of the final piece.
    3. Remit $15 for each entry fee below:

Entry Fee for “Distant Thunder” 2025 Exhibition

This is where members who are submitting art for the 2025 exhibition, “Distant Thunder,” pay their $15 entry fee per item.

Just in case we need to get in touch
The button below enables you to use either a credit/debit card or PayPal funds. You will receive a confirmation via email.
Up to 3 works may be submitted. MAKE SURE TO: –1. Upload images at: https://www.carolrhodes.org/Distant-Thunder-2025-Artwork-Submissions/n-sphxch –2. Send a written description (30-200 words) describing each of the works’ climate/environmental theme(s) to art4climate@carolrhodes.net.
Price: $15.00
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
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